Fuel campaign performance with laser-focused targeting
In continuation to our previous post, this post will focus on the results of the survey. While last time, we discussed what the marketers think about themselves, their teams, and the key issue in marketing and in-app advertising; this time around, we will focus on user acquisition trends.
Acquiring new users is undoubtedly important for app marketers, and we wanted to better understand how they approach it. We surveyed app marketers across industries to discover the what tactics being used to drive new users, channels that deliver the strongest performance, how budgets are being allocated, and what marketers think about ad networks for running UA campaigns.
User Acquisition Budget
CPI Still Rules Mobile App Media Buying
Video Ads Key To Acquiring High-Quality Users
Criteria in Selecting Ad Network for Running UA campaigns
These are just a few of the many insights unearthed through the analysis of our survey. The report offers an eye-opening look at the challenges in 2017, and what lies ahead for the industry.
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